Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Well we got a cat. It is soooooo cute. Her name is Winnie but we have been calling her Minnie, Jack calls her minnie winnie. She is 3 years old, has had all her shots and has been spayed. She also came with the chip in her back in case she gets lost. We went to the Humane Society and she was sooo cute and only $25. She is really playful but still a litle afraid of the kids. I wanna go back and get fluffy this other really cute one that is a little younger than Minnie and fluffier, same color though. For now one is plenty.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Hi Jess hope you enjoy the new page I made for you its my new digital scrapbooking! I hope you dont mind I changed your page! Love ya!

For those of you....

who think I am a blogging FAILURE here ya go. Kari did my hair last weekend and took family photos, of course she posted about it but still hasn't put up my pics, lol. We had so much fun. I miss spending time out at Aunt Joyce's by the lake. As we were driving back to the lake Jack said "why are we going into the forest." He is sooooooo funny.
Well this week has been crappy at work, my computer is done! So I have been bringing my laptop into work. Anyway, here are a few pics and I will DO MY BEST, do write more later.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Ha Ha Jess... didnt think id remember your password to get in here and tell everyone what a blogging failure you are!!! Hello everyone this is Kari Jessica's cousin and best buddy!

So all you lurkers out there who USED to visit her blog... get in here and tell her she is doing a horrible job updating!!! Remember she has family all over the US who like to feel connected to the kids and her and this is also a great way to document times with the kids when life goes too fast and we forget all the little things! So.... I challenge any of you to give Jessi a hard time in the comment section and tell her she HAS to get back to blogging regularly! Lets shoot for once per week. Then we will remove the below statement!

Thank you everyone!